Indoor Putting Greens

Practicing golf indoors is a great way to make sure your skills stay sharp when the weather isn’t cooperating, or your schedule isn’t allowing you enough time to shoot a round of golf.

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The options for indoor putting green setups are as varied as golf courses across the nation. An indoor putting green could be the secret weapon to take your golf game to the next level, be assured EnvyLawn can design a customized indoor putting green to suit your needs.

Why Golf Indoors?

Indoor golf may sound like a bit of a contradiction, but for those of us who live in parts of the world that have snow or rain all winter, it’s necessary to find a way to practice at home. Having to relearn all our golf skills every spring sets back our overall progression as a golfer. Even those of us who are stuck inside most of the day for work or school could benefit from using an indoor putting green. EnvyLawn’s EnvyGolf putting green material is specifically unique for indoor putting greens throughout the US by utilizing the embossed, non-skid backing that has more dimensional stability than the industry standard polyurethane backings.

EnvyLawn continues to be a dominant leader in artificial lawn production and has been for well over 30 years.  We are highly recognized for our work outside of houses, as well as indoors. When you combine the best artificial grass production company along with our dedicated team –that is also passionate about golf, you get a custom designed and professionally installed putting green specifically for you and your unique space that works beautifully. We make it our mission that our love of the game is put to great use in optimizing your space to provide you with the best indoor putting greens money can buy.

Where To Put Your Indoor Putting Green

The most common question asked in regards to indoor putting greens is “where to put it?”. While most often your space constraints won’t allow for us to fit an entire golf course inside, there are ways to make room for your ideal putting green.

Basement Putting Greens

For those with a little more space, consider installing a putting green in your basement. Even though more space is required for installation, it doesn’t take up much more room once it’s in, since it just becomes part of the floor. The main benefit here is that you can practice putting from many different angles. It’s as much fun as having a pool table in your basement, but for half the cost.

Commercial Indoor Putting Greens

Even golf shops have become increasingly interested in our products in recent years since an indoor putting green is a cheap and easy install that allows customers to use the putter before making a purchase.

When it comes to larger, commercial spaces, your options are endless. You can change the slope of the green or add features like bumps to up the difficulty of the putt. These are great options for places like schools and golf training facilities that want to make the putting experience as much like the real thing as possible. When these are combined with a driving simulator, you can play 18 holes in comfort near the heater while it snows outside. 

If you are looking to install an indoor putting green in your commercial space give, us a call and we will help you custom design your perfect putting greens.

Best EnvyLawn Artificial Grass For Indoor Putting Greens

  • Our exclusive and innovative non-skid backing system is tri-layered for optimal functionality 
  • Easy indoor installation requiring less adhesive over a variety of surfaces from concrete, vinyl, wood, and more 
  • Durable adherence that will not shift underfoot regardless of heavy traffic
  • A wonderful addition for your guests to enjoy when you entertain and host parties
  • Provides a wonderful socializing experience for any guest regardless of their golf skill
  • Industry standard in keeping with the PGA golf tour with a true ball roll speed between 9 ½-10 ½ on stimp meter
  • Exceptional safety features and a nylon fire rated product for ASTM D2859
  • Most innovative nylon two-tone color in the industry
  • Ultra-realistic with a beautiful natural look and feel


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